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Remote Jobs, Volunteering, or Work on a Cruise Ship: 7 Ways to Work Abroad

Last updated: January 28, 2024
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In 2024, we’ve probably all heard about the digital nomad trend: people who work fully remotely, which enables them to travel the world while working from their laptops. They are usually either self-employed (like us), working for companies that embrace flexibility and freedom, or content creators who create content for hotels in exchange for a paid or free stay. But what if you don’t feel like working from your laptop or phone all day, but you still want to make money while you travel? Check out our 7 ways to work abroad!

1. Teach Abroad: Share your Knowledge and Learn in Return

Why teach English from your laptop if you can actually travel to teach in person? Teaching abroad is a rewarding way to work while making a meaningful impact. Opportunities range from teaching English in Asia to specialized subjects in various countries. Please note that in order to teach a language, you usually have to be able to speak it fluently – so if your English isn’t the best, consider teaching in your native language!

2. Work on a Cruise Ship: Trade your Office for the Open Sea

For those who love adventure and a maritime setting, working on a cruise ship offers a unique work environment. From cooking to working in entertainment, there are many options to make money on the boat.

3. Volunteering Programs: Give Back While Gaining Experience

Technically, you won’t be making money with this one. However, you can get the rewarding experience to do something good for the world while you won’t have to worry about paying for an accommodation or food. Many organizations offer volunteer programs abroad that cover expenses such as accommodation and meals. It’s a chance to contribute to a cause you’re passionate about while exploring a new destination.

4. Agricultural Work: Get Your Hands Dirty in a New Culture

Farm stays and agricultural work exchange programs provide an opportunity to work with the land while experiencing local life. It’s a hands-on way to immerse yourself in a different way of living. We’ve met many people on our travels who chose Australia or New Zealand, because these countries not only pay well, but are also quite easy when it comes to obtaining a work visa. That’s one way to REALLY dive into the culture!

5. Fund your Travels AND Make New Friends through Hospitality Work

This one is a bonus if you have some experience working in a hotel, bar or restaurant! Like the agricultural jobs, Australia and New Zealand are popular options to spend a few months working and saving up, followed by some well-deserved months of traveling and exploring. However, we’ve also met plenty of people on our South East Asian travels who liked certain cities so much, they decided to spend some time working in their favorite hostels. Jobs in hospitality not only can pay quite well due to tips, but they are also a fun way to connect with other travelers and locals.

6. Work as a Tour Guide: Share your Love for Travel with others

If you’re passionate about a specific destination or its history, consider working as a tour guide. It allows you to share your knowledge while meeting people from all over the world. If you’re feeling inspired, you can also start your own tour agency or start organizing group tours (this option will require some more planning, experience and long-term community-building).

7. Bonus Tip! Join Yobbers for Work Abroad Opportunities Worldwide

Feeling inspired to work abroad, but not so much to deal with the hassle of getting a work visa, finding a company and all the other paperwork that often comes with working abroad? Whether you are into farm work, hospitality or being a tour guide: Yobbers is a platform that connects individuals with work opportunities abroad. From seasonal jobs to long-term placements, it’s a diverse platform offering a range of options to suit different preferences.

Choose your Adventure, Pack your Bags

Working travel includes, but is not limited to, a laptop on a beach. Embrace unique opportunities that allow you to engage with new cultures, meet people from all walks of life, and create lasting memories. Whether you’re teaching, volunteering, or sailing the seas, the world is your workplace—choose your adventure and pack your bags for a life-time experience.


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Last updated: January 28, 2024
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