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5 Ways to Stay Healthy as a Long-Term Traveler

Last updated: January 26, 2024
Reading Time: 3 minutes

When you’re traveling for multiple months or years in a row, it’s tempting to skip your gym routine and get carried away in the lifestyle of chilling at the beach, eating delicious food and partying on cheap beer. However, if you’ve made it this far into our platform, we’re guessing you’re not someone who wants to party EVERY night and do nothing EVERY day (nothing wrong with that, but probably not the most efficient approach if you want to stay productive on your travel). Keep reading for some basic tips on how to stay in healthy as a long-term traveler – to benefit you and your business!

Staying in shape on your trip can be challenging when you may not have as much of a routine as you would at home. In later articles, we’ll dive into the less-discussed topics such as taking care of your mental health (depression and loneliness on your trip are a real thing, even if you’re also grateful for your life every day), and how to meet like-minded people that also prioritize their health.

Tip: if you’re traveling for the long term (3 months or longer), don’t forget to get travel insurance in advance – so that you won’t end up with a huge invoice in case of an unfortunate situation. VisitorsCoverage offers insurance for people traveling to up to 175 countries.

1. Nomad-Style Workouts

If you’re spending a lot of time sitting down behind your laptop, while still indulging in the various sweet and savory treats the world has to offer, ANY kind of movement is key. Nomad-style workouts are all about keeping it simple. Take a stroll around the neighborhood, do some quick bodyweight exercises, or join a local yoga class. Your body AND your mind will thank you!

2. Healthy Eats – Nomad Kitchen Hacks

Eating out every day is tempting, but it can mess with your health and your wallet. Embrace your inner chef with some nomad kitchen hacks. Grab fresh veggies from local markets, cook simple meals, and experiment with local flavors. Great for your body and your budget. Tip: cooking in an actual kitchen will be easier if you ditch your hotel sometimes to stay at a hostel or Airbnb!

3. Catch those Zzz’s – Mastering the Art of Napping

Late-night work sessions and time zone changes can mess with your sleep. Enter the art of napping. Embrace power naps, find a comfy spot, and recharge. It’s like a mini-vacation for your brain, and you’ll be ready to tackle whatever work (or adventure) comes your way. Although it can be challenging when you’re traveling for a long time, where late nights partying alternate with early sunrise walks, try to catch some decent hours of sleep every night.

4. Hydrate or Die-drate – Water, Water Everywhere

It might sound basic, but hydration is a game-changer. Drink water like it’s your job. Invest in a reusable water bottle, carry it everywhere, and make H2O your trusty sidekick. Your skin, energy levels, and overall well-being will thank you.

5. Mindfulness for the Win – Stay Zen on the Road

Long flights, tight deadlines – it’s easy to get stressed. That’s where mindfulness comes in. Try simple meditation exercises, take a breather by the beach, or just enjoy a quiet moment. It’s like a mental reset button, and it keeps you zen in the midst of nomad chaos. Luckily, if you’re staying in Thailand or Bali you will find plenty of yoga, breathing and medidation classes.

Being a long-term digital nomad is a wild ride, but that doesn’t mean your health should take a back seat. Embrace the nomad life with these simple, no-fuss tips. Move, eat well, catch those Zzz’s, stay hydrated, and find your zen. After all, a healthy nomad is a happy nomad. Here’s to balancing work, adventure, and well-being on the road!

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Last updated: January 26, 2024
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