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Connecting careers online and people offline.

We aim to provide one source of information for the worldwide community of working travelers. Integral, practical, inclusive, and FREE – for everyone who wants to combine working and traveling.
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Digital Nomad vs Abroad Worker, Working Traveler Lifestyle, Your Remote / Abroad Career

Should I be a Digital Nomad or Work Abroad? Differences, Pros & Cons, Visa, Taxes and Insurance

May 12, 2024
Your Remote / Abroad Career

Digital Nomad Services: how to Turn your Skill into an Online Business?

May 12, 2024

How to find Cheap Flights: Practical Tips to Fly on a Budget

May 12, 2024
Health, Social

How to Stay Safe as a Solo Traveler: 8 Tips for Safe Travels

May 12, 2024
Destinations, Social, Working Traveler Lifestyle

Hostel, Hotel or AirBnB: where to Stay as a Long-Term Traveler?

January 26, 2024
Working Traveler Lifestyle, Your Remote / Abroad Career

Remote Jobs, Volunteering, or Work on a Cruise Ship: 7 Ways to Work Abroad

January 28, 2024
Working Traveler Lifestyle

Slow Travel >>> Fast Travel as a Working Traveler: Here’s Why

January 26, 2024

How do you Meet People as a Digital Nomad?

January 26, 2024
What kind of Working Travelers are we?

About Working Travelers

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Learn about our mission, vision, and what inspired us to start this platform.

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In order to turn your dreams into reality, we believe you need to dream BIG! Although our platform is now a mere source of information, in the future, we want to take it to the next level by creating a worldwide community of working travelers. This makes it easier for you to connect, collaborate or just have a coffee together with someone at your next destination.

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Got an online brand you'd like to grow? We got you! We offer various options to help you transform your dreams into reality - from building your website and taking care of your marketing to the possibility to advertise on our website.

Working Travelers

Our platform is free for everyone and we strive to keep it this way. However, some extra help is always welcome. If you like our work, through this link you can leave a small donation to help us sustain our platform (the amount is up to you!). We greatly appreciate it!
airplanes window view of sky during golden hour
Working Travelers

What are working travelers?

Is ‘working travelers’ just a less fancy name for digital nomads? No, not exactly. We use the term working travelers because we want to build a community for EVERYONE who wants to sustain their travels by working and traveling at the same time – not just freelancers and entrepreneurs with a remote business.
The term ‘working travelers’ covers, but is not limited to:
  • People who managed to convince their employers to let them work remotely for a while
  • Trading enthusiasts who strive to make a full-time income off their trading so that they can work from anywhere
  • Travelers who don’t jump at the thought of a laptop job and prefer to work abroad, for example as a bartender or a farmer
  • Freelance marketeers, developers or designers who believe that if they can do their job from home, they can do it from anywhere
  • Employed travelers who are required to work from a totally new country for a while
  • Real estate investors on a mission to fly across the globe to find some profitable land to buy
  • And, yes, also online entrepreneurs who plan to fund their travels by selling online courses or ebooks (just please don’t sell courses about being a digital nomad)
  • Travelers who fund their trips by doing voluntary work or dogsitting in exchange for free accommodation
Are you wondering whether you can consider yourself a working traveler? Ask yourself one simple question: do you want to sustain your long-term travel plans by making money as you go? If the answer is YES, then let’s have a look at our blogs and see if the information can help you get started!
Our travel guides

Applying for a Visa as a Digital Nomad / Working Traveler

While there is an overload of information on the combined lifestyle of working and traveling available on Google, TikTok, Instagram and the rabbit hole that the World Wide Web is – often, the most practical information is missing. Like, do I need a visa for this country? What should you expect to spend per month? How suitable is this country for working travelers?
Digital Nomad vs Abroad Worker, Working Traveler Lifestyle, Your Remote / Abroad Career

Should I be a Digital Nomad or Work Abroad? Differences, Pros & Cons, Visa, Taxes and Insurance

May 12, 2024
Your Remote / Abroad Career

Digital Nomad Services: how to Turn your Skill into an Online Business?

May 12, 2024

How to find Cheap Flights: Practical Tips to Fly on a Budget

May 12, 2024
Health, Social

How to Stay Safe as a Solo Traveler: 8 Tips for Safe Travels

May 12, 2024
Destinations, Social, Working Traveler Lifestyle

Hostel, Hotel or AirBnB: where to Stay as a Long-Term Traveler?

January 26, 2024
Working Traveler Lifestyle, Your Remote / Abroad Career

Remote Jobs, Volunteering, or Work on a Cruise Ship: 7 Ways to Work Abroad

January 28, 2024
Working Traveler Lifestyle

Slow Travel >>> Fast Travel as a Working Traveler: Here’s Why

January 26, 2024

How do you Meet People as a Digital Nomad?

January 26, 2024
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We would love to hear from YOU! Although we try to make the information on our platform as integral and complete as possible, we believe our community can grow faster if we’re open to learning from each other. Do you have any suggestions, any topics you would like to see covered in our blogs, or any other question? Please feel free to reach out to us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
Connecting careers online and people offline.
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